Friday, April 29, 2011

First Post! Huzzah! :D

Hooray! Hi! My name is Violet! I'm a Faery! I'm easily excitable! YAAAAY! *giggle*

Let's favorite things, in no particular order, are bubbles, unicorns, face paint, daffodils, and mermaids.

I used to look like this:

I'm blushing, that's why I'm pink.

And now? I look like this:

My natural shade of...Violet!

Huh. I guess there's not that much of a change. Anyhoo. I love Face Paints, and hopefully that is what this neat little corner of the Interwebs will be!

Tulips and Teacups,

PS - Umm. I have an admission - it's embarrassing. Can I trust you? Okey dokey, here goes....I'm scared of spiders. *phew* That actually feels better! So if you see any spiders here (are they interspiders for the interwebs?) pretty pretty please tell them to shoo! Thank you! 

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