Thursday, May 5, 2011

Under the Sea! Under the Sea...

There'll be no accusations just friendly crustaceans under the sea! *giggle*

Alrighty! Yesterday I had a whale of a good time at a show, but it was HOT. Super dee duper hot. So hot that all I could think about was jumping in the nearest body of water! Which...there were none. So in my air-conditioner induced daydreams, I thought what better post than Sea Animals! Hooray!




Octopus! (Boyfriend said he had to be purple.)

Shark! AAAHHH! Oh, just kidding - he's a nice shark!


Fancy Crab! I think the highlights and dots make a really big difference!

Fishie! (Again, Boyfriend request - Nemo-esque Fishie!)

Fancier Fishie!

I do have more (*cough* Narwhal! *cough*), but it's time to fly to the Treehouse! I will update it later - pretty please leave any under-the-sea creature ideas you might have in the comments link here! Hooray!

Sea Shells and Wishing Wells,

Update! Here he is in all his majesty, the epic Unicorn of the Seeeea!

I love how excited he looks! Like he's saying, "Hooray! I am a Narwhal!"

Any more Under the Sea suggestions are always welcome! *wink*


  1. Love! Love! Love! Love! Love!

    These are great!

    (and I heart the classic Simpson's, too)

  2. Oh! Could you make a clam? or a starfish? or a seahorse? or a puffer fish? or a sushi roll (that's technically an under the sea thing, right?)

  3. Clementine! Thank yoooou! I am so doing all of those! Maybe even a whole sushi section! YES!

  4. Did you know that the Narwhal horn is actually a TOOTH?! It punctures through it's lip and can grow to almost as long as it's body! And in rare cases, a second tooth grows out. O_O
