Saturday, May 7, 2011

What a Fantastic Voyage!

Oh my goodness.

Yesterday I hid my wings underneath a sparkling Circus Girl costume and joined hands with 5 of my Faerie Friends to fly to the land of Pixar! We painted faces there for four hours, and it was Ah. May. Zing!

I got some requests of things I've never painted before, and holy kamoly! I found some new favorite designs! Although I couldn't take pictures of the subjects themselves, I am going to recreate my top few and post them here soon!

In the meantime, here's a couple pictures from the big day! Ooh, and see that sparkletastically glitteriffic face paint that I am wearing? All credit is due to the fabulous Boss Faerie  =)   How lucky am I?!

Lampy! Lampy! Oh my goodness, it's Lampy!*

* Note. Lampy might in face be from The Brave Little Toaster. I will check into this.

Circus Girl Face!

Side 2 ! And a better shot of my little hat!

Fabulosity, no? Marvelous! Ooh! I also got to give Sully (the Monster, not the pilot) a high 5! Hooray! 

Stay tuned for new designs inspired by the families of Pixar!


  1. Wow! yay!! I can't wait to see zee designs!!

  2. AGH! You are my new favorite person! I was JUST talking about "The Brave Little Toaster" in my acting class yesterday (meaning I was talking to a group of movie watchers) and how that movie (along with The Little Mermaid) was my whole world in the second year of my life, and no one knew what I was talking about. Not a one. *grr*

    Moving on, I love the hat, and I am excited to see fun, new face paints!
