Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Another Magnificent Marvel from a Fellow Faery!


When I got to visit Pixar with my hidden wings, I had the very lucky luck of getting bee-yoo-teaful Face Paint from fabulous Boss Faery! Oh, how gorgeously glitteriffic it was...I had started to miss it quite terribly, when a wonderful thing happened!

I was getting ready to fly in for a school celebration with three of my other Faery Friends, and Boss Faery agreed to paint my face again! Hooray! Hoorah! =D

Annnnd here it is! *smile*

Right Side! (Actually, there is no wrong side, it is so beautiful!)

Left Side!

Close Up! (Oopsie doodle. The glittery goodness looks a bit like's not! ) (Don't read that last sentence out loud, pretty please! *giggle*)
So, sadly, this silly bean took the pictures AFTER the 2.5 + hour the sun...with LOTS. and LOOOOTS of little friends (yippee!) so the colors are a bit smudged/subdued, but even with that misstep on my part - yep. Wow, right??

Curlicues and Snazzaroos,

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