Sunday, June 5, 2011

Double Challenge? Accepted! Accepted!

I have a confession.

I have not always been the fastest face painter. Correction. I am sometimes snail-worthy slooooow at face painting. Not with kiddos, usually - but when I am sitting alone in my Treehouse it can take me ages to paint even a simple curly swirly design. I just like them to look pretty :)

However! I realize that maybe that's NOT the very bestest practice for real-life application. There's noooo way I'm ever getting a 3 year old to sit still for 7 minutes while I painstakingly apply consummate v's to replicate scales on a two-inch dragon. (Even if it's Trogdor replica, which is rather speedy ! )

Sooo...enter CHALLENGE NUMBER ONE! the Go Go Speed Racer Challenge! *trumpets*

In this challenge, timers were set and stuck to, and no design took over 2 minutes. Some even less. Wow! 

But wait! There's more!

My go-to designs tend to be rainbows, unicorns, dolphins, faeries, mermaids, flowers, and all sorts of feminine ephemeral et cetera. But I meet lots of boys who want paintings, and would prefer they be of the snips and snails variety. Enter thusly....

CHALLENGE NUMBER TWOOOOOO! the Snips, Snails, and Puppydog Tails Challenge! (ahem. *disclaimer* No puppydogs were harmed in the attempting of this challenge! *phew*)

In the second part of this challenge, designs had to be masculocentric. Or, if you want to sound less like a theorist, they had to be boy-friendly! Hooray! *giggle*

Alrighty. Ready? Set?? Wait! Night-time juice?!? YAY! GOOOO!

Tiger, tiger burning bright in the forest of the niiiiight! Um. It's a tiger face! On my leg!

Arr, mateys! I be Cap'n Baldbeard! (I drew the face outside of the time limits, and mainly as a template for doing this on a full person face. Boyfriend doesn't like getting his face painted.)

This is a fiery dragon. He needs more white paint.
This dragon's teeth are scary! Ahh!

Dueling Dragons?

Yes, please!

Yikes. Today we learned that night-time juice and dragon paintings can make terrifying angler-fish looking dragons. Yeesh. Not sure about that one. Okey dokey - do we have time for one more? We do?? HOORAY!


Yes. It is a shark that breathes fire. If it has a bear with an axe strapped to its tail, it would be the deadliest catch in the sea. It also would have taken more than 2 minutes to paint. 

Well, that would have finished it up but then! But then! A Faery friend of mine emailed me a photo of a different shark than I usually paint and I had to try! But I had a challenge to maintain - which was scary because I usually paint a new design veeerrrryyy slloooooowwwllly the first few times - annnnd here's how it turned out!

Ok. So it took me more than 2 minutes. About 3 or 4. But I think I kind of like it! It's a little scary - I may have to tone down the teeth - and I'm not sure having him chase after mini-Nemos is the very best thing to do. 

Huzzah! Challenges accomplished! :D Happy Faery! 

Oh no! Realization! Now challenge-less! Well, dear readers, if you have any boy face paint suggestions (or super duper speedy fast face paint suggestions!) pretty please leave them in the comments section!

Shark Fins and Gator Grins,

1 comment:

  1. I like this idea! I think I'll time myself today! WOHOOO love these designs=]
