Wednesday, June 1, 2011


It's June!


It seems like May was just yesterday! *giggle*

Ah, June...the month where Spring blossoms into Summer! Tons of flowers, fauna, naturiffic oudoorsiness and the like!

Sadly, it has been rainy in my forest! I do love the rain, but it seems rather opposed to the warm embrace of June!

Because I haven't been able to get into the sunny naturiffic groove of the month, I thought I'd go in the opposite direction...and while acquainting myself with the electronic eyes of indoor occupations, I stumbled across this guy!

- - - i am a robot sent to make you *squee* - - -

*squeeeeeee* !!!!

I just love his robot adorableness. I don't usually feel that way about my paintings, but I feel like he is Rosie from The Jetsons' cute-yet-mischievous nephew. (I mean I don't usually squee over my own paintings, not I don't usually think they're related to the Jetsons' housekeeping robot. Although I almost never think that, either.)


I think he needs friends.

I can try to give him friends...but does anyone else want to help?!


Telescopic Arms and Tin Man Charms,

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