Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Flights of Fancy

Well hello! While fluttering out and about on some adventures today, I flew into some very friendly fellow flying friends! *giggle* Have I ever mentioned the amazingly ample adoration I have for alliteration?!

I like it a lot :)

Anywho, my bumpings-into made me think that wow! Winged wonders abound in my land, and in many other lands as well! I decided that a collection of examples should be gathered immediately.

Of course as soon as wings come to mind, I immediately think of my dear butterfly buddies!

And then I realized, you can't have butterflies without...

Caterpillars! TWO caterpillars! That means lots of butterflies!

Hooray! We have caterpillars! Now for the flutterbyes...

Little yellow ones just love fuzzy dandelion fluff!
Pink Butterflies are always in style!
Blue Butterflies share my alliteration adoration!  ;)

And then I remembered wow! There are many other amiable chums who share my size (when I'm small, of course) AND my preferred mode of transportation!

Bumbly Bumblebees! Bzzz!
Ladybugs (or Ladybirds, if you're from my Daddy's land *smile*) are super sweet and have one of my other favorite attributes...polka dots!

Of course, our Hemiptera and Lepidoptera acquaintances are not the only ones zooming around the sky...although the next two friends I found prefer to land in water! *wink*

Quack quack! Life's just ducky for this puddly friend!
Tip of the top hat, Pink Flamingo! 

And there are even some metallic mates sharing the air! Although they miiiight be a bit farther in the stratosphere...

Rocketship! Yay!

I did find a few more examples - feathered, diaphanous, or made of steel - but we decided that they should make their debut a bit later...they have interesting stories of their own to tell that deserve a separate entry!

And that was the end!

Wait. I'm missing something....something that flies around, sometimes in a rather zig-zagging way...sparkles a lot...hmm...what could it be?

Ooh! I remember!

Butterflyish Faery Faaace!

It's me! Because I'm a Faery! *giggle* Hooray!

Um. I had to make myself big in order to show up well in the photo, and my wings didn't grow all the way - sorry about that! *blush*

Goodness gracious - I think it's time for me to land! *yawn* Have a lovely evening, everyone!

Shooting Stars and Soaring Skies,

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