Thursday, June 9, 2011

Then...and Now!

Alrighty. So I was once a wee Faery in the hands of some humans who decided to give me a Face Painting.

It looked like this.

Nice tartan, Violet.
Yep. I's not terribly terrible, but it's a Not what is expected of me nowadays.

So! I tried my hand at what is expected fo me nowadays! Yay!

If at all possible, my eyes might be even more alienesquely large here.

Slightly better view.
Okey dokey, so it's still not the very best face painting in the world? In fact, it sadly is not one of my personal favorites at all. Drat. This post may have to have a later addition - ooh! That would be very fun!

But meh-ness aside, I still say the new painting is a vast improvement, right! (Though I am particular to the face underneath that earlier example =D )

Time Warps and Tulips,

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